'19 "Dream News - Unelma Uutiset" / Ii-Finland
How can people form their future?
The first issue of the paper “Dream News / Unelma Uutiset” was done in Ii-Finland. It was made within Lähde! project which aims to prevent social exclusion. It was funded by the European Social Fund and run by the Oulunkaari Consortium of Municipalities and Art Centre KulttuuriKauppila. The content and design of this issue was realized together with the clients and colleagues of Myötätuuli and Tolppa Mental Health Rehabilitation Centers in Ii and Oulu, IiPaja Unemployed Center in Ii, at the end of 2019.
Dream News printed, 1000 copy
Dream News / Unelma Uutiset issue #1 (scroll down to see)
Pictures from the making process
Locating issue #1