"Rulers” 2019, Den Bosch/Netherlands
How do physical forces form an object?
To explore how physical and natural forces shape objects, I made hand-made rulers from different materials and placed them in various spaces.
In this series the rulers are two-sided. With the help of a standard ruler, I measured and marked the consecutive numbers on both sides. However, the last digits always differed on each side; I couldn’t measure with a machine sharpness. As a conclusion the rulers measure the area they cover in a language we know, but it comes up incoherent at both sides.
"Ruler 614cm//614.4cm” ink on metal strip, 2019, Den Bosch/Netherlands
Ruler 614cm//614.4cm: Large metal rulers cuddle up by the force who bends them, but they still resist. The metal resists the wall as the wall resists the metal. They touch and collaborate within each other. Distances among each centimeter on the metal rulers are hand drawn without an actual ruler reference resulting in uneven distances in between each number and different lengths on each side.
“614cm//614.4cm” ink on two sided metal strip, MIVC Building, 2019
“614cm//614.4cm” ink on two sided metal strip, MIVC Building, 2019
“614cm//614.4cm” ink on two sided metal strip, MIVC Building, 2019
“Ruler 474cm//471cm” soldering iron and ink on imitation leather & “Ruler 183cm// 181.5cm” ink on plywood, 2019 - Den Bosch/Netherlands
Leather meter
With an imitation leather strip measured 474cm on one side, 471cm on the other; I discover the effect of gravity under certain conditions. Top of the meter hangs on air close to the ceiling. The end is about 450cm away from the top and rests a few centimeters above the floor.
Minimizing the resistance of the leather by loosely hanging it, I emphasize the forming force of gravity and the continuity of this force.
Bended meter
Bended plywood meter, 183cm on one side and 181.5cm on the other, literally shows the maximum resistance it can reach in its given situation. Placed exactly between the two fixed structures, it shows the resistance existing between them. On the contrary of the U meter, plywood meter shows the maximum bending it can reach, the maximum shape it can take before it breaks, and the boundaries of being together.
“Ruler 474cm//471cm” soldering iron and ink on imitation leather & “Ruler 183cm// 181.5cm” ink on plywood, MIVC Building, 2019
"Ruler 312.1//311.7", ink on wood, double sided ruler, 2019 - Den Bosch/Netherlands
A high-strength timber is tightly squeezed between the two concrete structures. The timber which is transformed into a measuring tool, shows the effect of the maximum resistance it can reach on the concrete structure. Resistance turns into force and shatter the wall. The meter also measures the distance that creates this pressure. Here I discover how a subject can shape a stronger subject to create the environment that suits itself.
Ink on wood, double sided ruler, 2019
Ink on wood, double sided ruler, 2019