Flowers and Leaves - series, flower and leaves on canvas, 2022-
-selected paintings-
"In his latest body of work Yıldız uses flowers and leaves as his sole tool. He collects the fallen leaves and flowers laying in the neighborhood around his atelier in Kadıköy, the Asian part of Istanbul. He works directly on the canvas with the plants and the pigments they leave on behind. Time plays a crucial role, with a short window to work as the flowers dry quickly. The series explores a growing body of work with the parallels of the existent and imaginary as well as a questioning of life and death. By using the flowers with brute repetitive force to mark the canvas, the result is soft, yet bears remnants of death and also allows the flower's essence to be forever eternalized, or reborn." text by Tankut Aykut and Lara Özdoğan
Autumn 5, leaf rubbed on canvas - 170x214cm - 2022
after a year


"Pool of flowers" flower and leaf on canvas-173x175cm-2022
after a year

Untitled 11 - 118x108cm - 2023 - flower on canvas / Spring 2023

Untitled 3 - 118x108cm - flower, leaf on canvas / Spring 2023

-After 2 months and 11 days-
the most beautiful flower in the world - 180x180cm - 25 September 2022 - flowers, leaves on canvas
I have done this painting with the flowers and leaves of my neighborhood too. But this one I didn't finish. I left it as it is. I also didn't want to use a protector spray this time. I want it to flow and fade away with the breeze in its own time.

Sonbahar 2022 IV 🍂 Autumn 2022 IV, Tuval bezi üzerine yaprak - Leaf on canvas,150x150cm

Sonbahar 2022 I 🍂 Autumn 2022 I, Tuval bezi üzerine yaprak - Leaf on canvas, 140x140cm

Sunflower - 80x65cm - 2022 - flower, leaves on canvas

A bouquet of sunflowers were brought to my studio as a gift by a friend. I wanted to keep them alive so strongly that as they started to decay I plucked pieces of leaves and petals off them and started to paint with itself on a canvas. This is a race against time. Leaves and flowers dry in a few days and sadly drying takes their colors away. Therefore every painting has to be finished in 2 or 3 days.
Using a spray protector on the finished work from both sides I try to slow the time for them and keep them alive as much as possible. I try to collaborate with them and turn them into paintings. I wonder how they feel about what I do.
Pool of flowers - 170x170cm - 2022 - flower, leaves on canvas

Not yet titled - 160x160cm - 2022 - flowers, leaves on canvas