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'20     “Dream News - Hayal Gazetesi” / Çanakkale-Turkey

(tr below)

The second issue of the paper “Dream News / Hayal Gazetesi” was done in Kayalar and Babakale villages of Çanakkale, Turkey right before the Pandemic, in 2020. This issue was made within the “Kayalar Hanımeli Initiative” and the “Babakale Kaleder Association”. Both organizations provide a solidarity space for women to gather, produce, share and promote their own made products.


The women, who until the 80s were not allowed to even pass through the village square, resisted this patriarchal pressure and in 2017 established a women's initiative in the very center of the village, realizing their dreams. Their resistance and achievement inspired Dream News's second issue.


Gazetenin ikinci sayısı “Dream News / Hayal Gazetesi”, Türkiye’nin Çanakkale iline bağlı Kayalar ve Babakale köylerinde hazırlandı. Bu sayı Kayalar Hanımeli İnisiyatifi ve Babakale Kaleder Derneği kapsamında gerçekleşmiştir. Her iki kuruluş da bu köylerin kadınları tarafından organize edilen bir buluşma, üretme, paylaşma, dayanışma ve köy ürünlerini tanıtma alanı sağlamaktadır.

Dream News / Hayal Gazetesi issue #2 (scroll down to see)

Making pictures Day-1

Making pictures Day-2

Making pictures Day-3

Making pictures Day-4 

Making pictures Day-5 

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